Monday, January 12, 2015

Yeah, it's not them, it's you

The topic that I will be addressing in this blog is going to be very sensitive. If you're easily offended, please stop reading. The subject of today's blog is handling the enemy named "you". An African proverb says, "If there is no enemy inside, the enemy outside can do no harm". That proverb rings so true and is applicable to our modern society. Most times, if you find someone in any amount of trouble, they will tell you what someone else did to get them in the situation. If they're broke, it's the "man" keeping them down. If they're emotionally deprived, someone hurt them and they can't get over it. No matter the scenario, the common theme is to blame other people for trouble. The most liberating day of your life will be when you take responsibility for everything good or bad in your life. Yes, someone may have hurt you, but it's your choice to relive that hurt daily. As Eleanor Roosevelt was quoted as saying, " No one can hurt you without your permission". You must decide that you will be in control of how you feel and how you behave. It is such a freedom to know that what happens to you, doesn't have anything to do with how you think or live. If you've been hurt in relationship, take note of what happened in that particular relationship and understand the hurt was compartmentalized to that relationship. Stop making new people suffer for what your ex did. Stop expecting the same issues from totally different people. You rob yourself from enjoying a potentially great relationship and you punish someone innocent. We must learn to take responsibility for our actions and understand we are where we are, because of the thoughts that have gone into our minds. Simply put, you become what you think about. If you are someone that doesn't like who you have become, change what you think and do. As you change your thoughts, you change your life. I hope you are encouraged today and find peace in these words. Make today your best day ever. Always control your life by controlling your thoughts. Be blessed

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Ready or not, here I come.

It's an incredible phenomenon that change is a part of life, but it isn't ordinarily readily accepted. Most of the time people have a natural apprehension to changes in policies, attitudes or procedures. We all know change is inevitable, but we tend to battle against even the simplest of transitions. A baby simply being weaned from a pacifier causes great trouble, not only for the child but also for everyone involved. In your adult life as you move from level to level, there will be people that are affected by your transformation. Growing as an individual sometimes makes those who are not growing themselves very uncomfortable. People like to deal with you in the manner that they met you, and have no issues until you show signs of moving forward. Never let another person's restrictions negatively affect your development. People will keep you in a box that is comfortable for them, while you are distressed living in a rut. You have to accept that some people won't like you, but you can't live off of the oxygen that they breathe. You have to make decisions for yourself that maybe misunderstood by those that are not visionaries. Imagine if someone had convinced the Wright Bros. that an airplane wasn't conceivable... The world would be far less connected if their dream had not been achieved. Settling for what's normal is more painful than reaching for the dream that's never been dreamt. You have to demand the best out of yourself. You owe it to yourself and your generation to produce the greatness that is inside of you. Execute your visions and watch how the world will arrive at your doorstep. There is someone waiting on your dream to manifest. Dream big, plan great and execute beautifully. As Nike says "JUST DO IT!" Keep the beauty of creation alive and go forward. NEVER GIVE UP.