Monday, December 22, 2014

Faith that reveals..........

Revelation is an event that causes you to understand something that initially was a mystery. Nothing is more beautiful than having an "aha moment". IT comes out of nowhere and hits you in the head like a bucket of bricks. When having a revelation you often wonder why it hadnt occurred to you earlier. You could have saved time, avoided misfortune and been further, if only you had thought of your revelation sooner. Oftentimes the easiest way to overcome the frustration is to accept that the journey was well worth the wait. Most in generally, what you learned on the way to you destination actually helped you to better appreciate what you have received. The remarkable thing is that the object of my desire existed even in the infancy of my longing for it. Just reflect on the things you desire in life but are not in the possession of. Now, accept the reality that what you want not only is available but it is available for YOU. If you want a husband, he doesn't have to be created but revealed. If you desire a job, it doesn't have to formed but like in the prior example , revealed to you. The great thing about desire is that you wouldn't have a thirst for that which you could not attain. Take comfort in the previous sentence. IF YOU DESIRE IT, BELIEVE THAT IT EXISTS AND IF IT EXISTS IT JUST HAS TO BE REVEALED. Stop wrestling with yourself about if you're good enough or if you deserve something. God created you special and different from anyone else. Your fingerprint is unique from anyone else that ever lived and in the same likeness, your impact in this world is idiosyncratic in nature as well. Start today. Make a decision that you won't live another day trying to be like anyone else. Be the best you that you can be. No one can take your place and no one can cover for you. Accept who you are and OWN IT. If you are talented OWN IT. If you're creative OWN IT. QUIT ONLY HONORING OTHERS AND RECOGNIZE THE REVEALED GIFTS INSIDE OF YOU. As Always keep your head high and your arrogance low and watch God take you higher than you ever imagined.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Pray first

Prayer is one of the most essential parts of living a life of purpose. Whether you call it mediation, reaching out to God or simply having a lil talk with Jesus, it all falls under the umbrella of communication. It is impossible to have a relationship with someone that you don't communicate with. Imagine trying to tell your spouse what you want for dinner without ever verbalizing your request. Prayer is an opportunity for a finite being to commune with the infinite. Prayer links you to information that will transform your future and heal your past. What's even more powerful is that God makes it so easy to get in contact with Him. The Word says if you draw close to Him, He will draw close to you. That simply means that whatever qualifies as close to you, it is sufficient to require a response from God. You don't have to wax poetically and try to astound God with verbosity. Keep prayer simple and personal because He already knows what you need. What's really amazing is that He knew what you needed BEFORE you knew you needed it. Your needs or troubles are not a surprise to God. He knew your storm was coming so He made you stronger in a particular area so your issue wouldn't kill you but only identifies the strength that you already possessed. Before you do anything and I mean ANYTHING, stop and PRAY FIRST. Take the time and acknowledge God and ask Him for guidance. Now, don't confuse involving God in all you do with expecting Him to decide everything for you. He is a helper and He helps YOU do that what needs to be accomplished. Prayer is a tool to catapult you into Gods plan for your life and empowers YOU to walk out what He has for you to do. Keep the slogan PRAY FIRST tattooed on your heart and also as Zig Ziglar would say, " I plan on seeing you, and yes I mean you, not just at the top, but over the top".

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Nothing just happens......... Except nothing

As you're riding down the street make an observation of the businesses that you pass by everyday. Notice the bright lights and catchy sales pitches screaming for your attention and most importantly your money. Consider the fact that no business that has ever been created would have opened their doors had it not been for the actions of an individual or group. Everything you see had it's conception in the mind of someone just like you. We come into this world equipped with the basics: eyes, ears, nose, two arms, two legs, etc.But what makes one person more successful than the other??? The answer is more simple than you would think. The reason some achieve their dreams and other don't is because they chose to be successful. Having a definite of purpose and being determined to the point of risking your own existence will "almost" always bring the results that you desire. Having and acting upon definite purpose means that you have a plan of action for your thoughts and you don't make decisions that are polar opposites of your intended goal. It doesn't take a neurosurgeon to know that you can't expect to lose weight by continuing to eat the things that made you unhealthy initially. But it seems to leave our memory when it comes to achieving our goals versus doing what feels good. If you're going to reach greatness you have to make a decision that what you are aiming for is of greater importance than what you currently have in your possession. Making a choice is one of the most helpful things in making your dreams come true. The harder you work at your dream, the harder it will be to allow adverse choices to poison your ambitions. Understand that NO ONE is going to make your life great for you. NO ONE is going to just freely hand over a dream life. Even when it came to God and the children of Israel, God gave them the land but THEY had to possess it. God plants seeds of greatness in you but YOU have to make the choice to yield yourself to allow the seeds He planted in you to blossom. The dream of our Heavenly Father is to not merely do "for us" but to do "through us" what He has purposes in His heart. Instead of saying your waiting on God, it's Him waiting on YOU to decide to become a person of greatness. You can lead a duck to water but you can't make him swim. Make a decision to be great today. Make a choice to remove ALL negative thoughts and actions and start achieving the things you've only wished to attain. Make today the day your life turns around and starts moving in the direction of greatness. DREAM PLAN EXECUTE AND WATCH GOD HELP YOU BECOME THE PERSON THAT YOU DIDNT KNOW EXISTED. Be blessed and as always you're in my heart. Much love.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Can you go further???

This post is to challenge you to go beyond everything you've ever experienced. Can you imagine yourself free from every restriction that's ever been presented to you? Can you see yourself living in the life that's previously only existed in your dreams? What would you do if you KNEW you could not fail??? We often live lives far below what we are actually capable of living. The only thing you have to fear is not activating the great power that lies within. Inside of you is potential so great that it would blow your mind. The reason you feel and dream for more is because you can actually produce what you've been dreaming about. This won't come as a surprise but orange seeds produce oranges, Apple seeds produce apples and plum seeds produce plums. The point is that you only produce what's inside of you. The cause of you desiring something is because you have the means to bring it to pass already within your being. Dogs don't seek to be cats because instinctly they are comfortable with who they were born to be. Living beneath your capability causes you to feel bored and annoyed with YOURSELF. True fulfillment is operating in accord with the person God created long ago in His thoughts. When God created you He had greatness in mind. He had a hope in mind when He designed you. God hoped you would expand your thoughts, He hoped you would ask Him for the needed necessities to complete your goals and He hoped you would act in line with His Will for you life. Can you see beyond your past failures to go into a land that's filled with blessings?? One phrase that will revolutionize your life is this: YOU BECOME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT. What ever you've been thinking about is the life that you've been creating for yourself. You are currently living in what your thoughts were in the past. If you thought of being debt free, you are and if you thought of nothing, that's exactly what you have ...nothing. Just let that thought sink in..... When you aim for nothing you're guranteed to hit it EVERYTIME. WRITE DOWN YOUR PLANS FOR YOUR LIFE. As the Bible says, Write the vision and make it plain. I leave you with this simple challenge: WRITE DOWN WHAT YOU SEEK TO ACHIEVE AND APPLY DEFINITE PURPOSE IN ACHIEVING THAT GOAL AND DOCUMENT HOW YOUR LIFE CHANGES. As always keep your head up and continue to FEED THE LION WITHIN. Love you forever, be blessed.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

It's time to grow

We have come into a season of massive changes and shifts. People today are not dealing with anything different than their predecessors but they are facing in on a more public stage. With the invention of Facebook, Twitter and the like, most private dealing are put on the main stage daily. From divorce announcements to suicide videos can be found for public consumption on your local timeline. With so much thirst for attention, people have an open door to blast others openly for how they think SOMEONE other than themselves are responsible for where their lives have ended up. I'm writing this to inform you that the greatest day of freedom will be when you accept responsibility for where your life is currently. If you are broke and 39, admit YOU  are to blame and grow from it. If you're in a dead end job with no perceivable way out, accept that you're there by choice and start looking to get YOURSELF out. As long as you're waiting on someone to rescue you then you are left at the mercy of other people. If you ask me, depending on people can be nerve racking. The best way is to reach inside of who you are and pull out the creativity God gave you and find what you've been wishing. Merely wishing will not create the life altering change you desire. It takes a tenacious, obsessive, diligent approach that will not take no for an answer. Your next level of achievement will not just waltz into your life, it's gonna take some time, some money and probably you enduring pure Hell to push pass all of your own blocks and actually attain your dream. The biggest opponent you will face is yourself. If you can get over your insecurities, worry and doubt, nothing can stop you, not even failing. It's a redemptive power that comes when you make a choice. Simply decide who and what type of person you want to become and stand by your choice. You will see as you make a definite move in the direction of your desire, that things just start coming together. Will there be hard times, YES. Will there be days you feel like giving up?? ABSOLUTELY. But will you feel better about yourself that you didn't give up or give in??? Without a doubt Yes Yes and YES. When you have invested your all its veryyyyyy hard just to throw in the towel. I dare you to pursue your dream. Go for what you're passionate about and achieve that which you have set your heart on. This is the first of many posts so please spread the word and support the movement. Love you all already, be blessed. #feedthelionwithin