Thursday, December 4, 2014

It's time to grow

We have come into a season of massive changes and shifts. People today are not dealing with anything different than their predecessors but they are facing in on a more public stage. With the invention of Facebook, Twitter and the like, most private dealing are put on the main stage daily. From divorce announcements to suicide videos can be found for public consumption on your local timeline. With so much thirst for attention, people have an open door to blast others openly for how they think SOMEONE other than themselves are responsible for where their lives have ended up. I'm writing this to inform you that the greatest day of freedom will be when you accept responsibility for where your life is currently. If you are broke and 39, admit YOU  are to blame and grow from it. If you're in a dead end job with no perceivable way out, accept that you're there by choice and start looking to get YOURSELF out. As long as you're waiting on someone to rescue you then you are left at the mercy of other people. If you ask me, depending on people can be nerve racking. The best way is to reach inside of who you are and pull out the creativity God gave you and find what you've been wishing. Merely wishing will not create the life altering change you desire. It takes a tenacious, obsessive, diligent approach that will not take no for an answer. Your next level of achievement will not just waltz into your life, it's gonna take some time, some money and probably you enduring pure Hell to push pass all of your own blocks and actually attain your dream. The biggest opponent you will face is yourself. If you can get over your insecurities, worry and doubt, nothing can stop you, not even failing. It's a redemptive power that comes when you make a choice. Simply decide who and what type of person you want to become and stand by your choice. You will see as you make a definite move in the direction of your desire, that things just start coming together. Will there be hard times, YES. Will there be days you feel like giving up?? ABSOLUTELY. But will you feel better about yourself that you didn't give up or give in??? Without a doubt Yes Yes and YES. When you have invested your all its veryyyyyy hard just to throw in the towel. I dare you to pursue your dream. Go for what you're passionate about and achieve that which you have set your heart on. This is the first of many posts so please spread the word and support the movement. Love you all already, be blessed. #feedthelionwithin

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