Monday, December 22, 2014

Faith that reveals..........

Revelation is an event that causes you to understand something that initially was a mystery. Nothing is more beautiful than having an "aha moment". IT comes out of nowhere and hits you in the head like a bucket of bricks. When having a revelation you often wonder why it hadnt occurred to you earlier. You could have saved time, avoided misfortune and been further, if only you had thought of your revelation sooner. Oftentimes the easiest way to overcome the frustration is to accept that the journey was well worth the wait. Most in generally, what you learned on the way to you destination actually helped you to better appreciate what you have received. The remarkable thing is that the object of my desire existed even in the infancy of my longing for it. Just reflect on the things you desire in life but are not in the possession of. Now, accept the reality that what you want not only is available but it is available for YOU. If you want a husband, he doesn't have to be created but revealed. If you desire a job, it doesn't have to formed but like in the prior example , revealed to you. The great thing about desire is that you wouldn't have a thirst for that which you could not attain. Take comfort in the previous sentence. IF YOU DESIRE IT, BELIEVE THAT IT EXISTS AND IF IT EXISTS IT JUST HAS TO BE REVEALED. Stop wrestling with yourself about if you're good enough or if you deserve something. God created you special and different from anyone else. Your fingerprint is unique from anyone else that ever lived and in the same likeness, your impact in this world is idiosyncratic in nature as well. Start today. Make a decision that you won't live another day trying to be like anyone else. Be the best you that you can be. No one can take your place and no one can cover for you. Accept who you are and OWN IT. If you are talented OWN IT. If you're creative OWN IT. QUIT ONLY HONORING OTHERS AND RECOGNIZE THE REVEALED GIFTS INSIDE OF YOU. As Always keep your head high and your arrogance low and watch God take you higher than you ever imagined.

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