Saturday, December 13, 2014

Nothing just happens......... Except nothing

As you're riding down the street make an observation of the businesses that you pass by everyday. Notice the bright lights and catchy sales pitches screaming for your attention and most importantly your money. Consider the fact that no business that has ever been created would have opened their doors had it not been for the actions of an individual or group. Everything you see had it's conception in the mind of someone just like you. We come into this world equipped with the basics: eyes, ears, nose, two arms, two legs, etc.But what makes one person more successful than the other??? The answer is more simple than you would think. The reason some achieve their dreams and other don't is because they chose to be successful. Having a definite of purpose and being determined to the point of risking your own existence will "almost" always bring the results that you desire. Having and acting upon definite purpose means that you have a plan of action for your thoughts and you don't make decisions that are polar opposites of your intended goal. It doesn't take a neurosurgeon to know that you can't expect to lose weight by continuing to eat the things that made you unhealthy initially. But it seems to leave our memory when it comes to achieving our goals versus doing what feels good. If you're going to reach greatness you have to make a decision that what you are aiming for is of greater importance than what you currently have in your possession. Making a choice is one of the most helpful things in making your dreams come true. The harder you work at your dream, the harder it will be to allow adverse choices to poison your ambitions. Understand that NO ONE is going to make your life great for you. NO ONE is going to just freely hand over a dream life. Even when it came to God and the children of Israel, God gave them the land but THEY had to possess it. God plants seeds of greatness in you but YOU have to make the choice to yield yourself to allow the seeds He planted in you to blossom. The dream of our Heavenly Father is to not merely do "for us" but to do "through us" what He has purposes in His heart. Instead of saying your waiting on God, it's Him waiting on YOU to decide to become a person of greatness. You can lead a duck to water but you can't make him swim. Make a decision to be great today. Make a choice to remove ALL negative thoughts and actions and start achieving the things you've only wished to attain. Make today the day your life turns around and starts moving in the direction of greatness. DREAM PLAN EXECUTE AND WATCH GOD HELP YOU BECOME THE PERSON THAT YOU DIDNT KNOW EXISTED. Be blessed and as always you're in my heart. Much love.

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