Monday, December 8, 2014

Can you go further???

This post is to challenge you to go beyond everything you've ever experienced. Can you imagine yourself free from every restriction that's ever been presented to you? Can you see yourself living in the life that's previously only existed in your dreams? What would you do if you KNEW you could not fail??? We often live lives far below what we are actually capable of living. The only thing you have to fear is not activating the great power that lies within. Inside of you is potential so great that it would blow your mind. The reason you feel and dream for more is because you can actually produce what you've been dreaming about. This won't come as a surprise but orange seeds produce oranges, Apple seeds produce apples and plum seeds produce plums. The point is that you only produce what's inside of you. The cause of you desiring something is because you have the means to bring it to pass already within your being. Dogs don't seek to be cats because instinctly they are comfortable with who they were born to be. Living beneath your capability causes you to feel bored and annoyed with YOURSELF. True fulfillment is operating in accord with the person God created long ago in His thoughts. When God created you He had greatness in mind. He had a hope in mind when He designed you. God hoped you would expand your thoughts, He hoped you would ask Him for the needed necessities to complete your goals and He hoped you would act in line with His Will for you life. Can you see beyond your past failures to go into a land that's filled with blessings?? One phrase that will revolutionize your life is this: YOU BECOME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT. What ever you've been thinking about is the life that you've been creating for yourself. You are currently living in what your thoughts were in the past. If you thought of being debt free, you are and if you thought of nothing, that's exactly what you have ...nothing. Just let that thought sink in..... When you aim for nothing you're guranteed to hit it EVERYTIME. WRITE DOWN YOUR PLANS FOR YOUR LIFE. As the Bible says, Write the vision and make it plain. I leave you with this simple challenge: WRITE DOWN WHAT YOU SEEK TO ACHIEVE AND APPLY DEFINITE PURPOSE IN ACHIEVING THAT GOAL AND DOCUMENT HOW YOUR LIFE CHANGES. As always keep your head up and continue to FEED THE LION WITHIN. Love you forever, be blessed.

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